July 26, 2024
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10 Best Google SEO Keyword Mining Tools (2022 Edition)

10 Best Google SEO Keyword Mining Tools

Keywords are the core of Google SEO optimization and the key to website traffic. As long as they are used correctly, search rankings will be greatly improved.
How to mine and research Google SEO keywords?
There are many ways, one of the fastest and most effective is to use the keyword tool.
It is no exaggeration to say that a good keyword tool can provide you with all the data you need to rank for Google SEO.

Next, let’s take a look at which Google keyword mining tools are worth recommending. Interested friends can take a look together.

1. SEMrush

SEMrush is the world’s #1 Google keyword mining tool and the best Google SEO tool I’ve ever used.
Why would you say so?
First, it has the largest keyword database in the industry, covering 142 countries and regions, 800 million domain names, and 20 billion keywords.
Second, it provides the most detailed keyword data analysis.
From search volume, to long-tail keyword mining, keyword difficulty rating, SERP ranking, advertising placement, and popularity trends, every data indicator is so accurate that the world’s top 500 companies like Amazon, Apple, and Tesla have using it.
Then again, it was the first keyword tool that could research competitors, and later there were countless imitators.
As long as you enter the domain name of your competitor’s website, you can know all the keyword rankings of the other party, as well as the traffic source of the independent website, which advertisements have been cast, and what are the top 10 landing pages.
In general, SEMrush has comprehensive functions, authoritative data, and simple operation. It is better than the other tools introduced today. It is highly recommended for everyone to use it. Its only fly in the ointment is the price: $99.95 / month, though a free trial is available.

2. Wordtracker

Wordtracker is a free-to-use Google keyword mining tool.
Its main function is long-tail keyword mining, and the data is much more detailed than Soovle , which is highly recommended by foreigners .
In addition, it can also analyze popular keywords on platforms such as YouTube, eBay, Amazon, etc., which can help marketers quickly find hot spots, develop niche markets, and improve search rankings and traffic.
If you need to take into account the keyword mining of the above-mentioned platforms at the same time, Wordtracker is a good choice

3. KWFinder

KWfinder is a paid keyword tool developed by Mangools . It is mainly used to mine long-tail keywords with high search volume and low ranking difficulty, and provides the following 6 data indicators for reference.
Keyword search trends over the past 12 months
Average monthly clicks for keywords
Google Adwords Average CPC
Competitive Difficulty Rating for Google Adwords
Competitive Difficulty Rating for SEO Keywords: Lower Numbers Easier to Rank
Compared with other tools, KWfinder’s user interface is simple and clear, and the data is intuitive, which is very suitable for SEO novice users.

4. Answer The Public

Answer The Public is a keyword tool that focuses on user search intent and is free to use.
It mines what people are asking recently, extracts valuable long-tail keywords from these questions, and does data analysis by five categories: question, preposition, comparison, letter, and related.
Unlike the other tools introduced today, Answer The Public does a particularly good job of keyword relevancy.

5. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is another top Google SEO tool, comparable to SEMrush, from keyword mining, to competitor analysis, website diagnosis, backlink analysis, ranking monitoring, it can do almost everything.
As far as keyword mining is concerned, it involves multiple platforms (Google, Youtube, Amazon, Bing), has a database of more than 10 billion keywords, and can provide accurate keyword data analysis indicators.
One thing to note, however, is that Ahref’s strength is external link analysis, and its keyword mining function is slightly inferior to SEMrush.

6. Keywordtool

Keywordtool claims to be the best alternative to Google Keyword Planner, and whether it’s true or not, it’s a really good Google keyword mining tool.
At first glance, its interface is simple, but if you look closely, it has a lot of functions.
Not only can you mine google keywords, but also bing, youtube, amazon, ebay, google play sotre, instagram, twitter and other platforms.
The free version of Keywordtool displays up to 750 keyword suggestions. If you want to view data metrics for these keywords (such as search volume, cost per click, competition difficulty), you need to pay to upgrade to the professional version.

7. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner, also known as Google Keyword Planner, is a free Google keyword tool.
It can help advertisers mine valuable keywords, and then place Google keyword bidding ads.
Although Google Keyword Planner is not specially designed for SEO, it can also be used for SEO keyword mining research, because it has unique advantages in terms of data sources, using it you can do the following two things:
Find new keyword opportunities
View keyword search volume and other metrics for current keywords
All in all, Google Keyword Planner is worth a try, along with Google Trends and Google Webmaster Tools.

8. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a great keyword solution for many newbies because it’s free to use.
This keyword mining tool is very simple: just enter a keyword or URL, and it will give you keyword suggestions, as well as basic statistics for that keyword and the page.
Average monthly searches
number of backlinks
Website Domain Score
Total social shares of the page
Plus, Ubersuggest comes with a Chrome extension that can help you quickly dig for keywords when you search on Google.

9. LongTailPro

LongTailPro is an excellent keyword mining tool that can help you find long-tail keywords that are really profitable and not difficult to compete. It is especially suitable for Google SEO rankings. The main functions are:
Get keyword suggestions in bulk
competitor analysis
Keyword Rank Tracking
Help you determine the difficulty of keywords
If you only care about long-tail keyword mining, it’s a great option.

10. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a Chrome, Firefox browser extension, mainly used for Google keyword mining, can provide a series of keyword indicators, such as search volume, CPC, competition information and so on.
It started out as a completely free browser extension, but as it grew in popularity, it started charging, starting at $10 (gives you 100,000 credits, 1 credit = shows 1 keyword suggestion).
Although the price does not seem expensive, it is not a good choice if you want to do keyword analysis in depth and systematically.


The 10 Google SEO keyword mining tools introduced above, some of them are free, some are paid, which one is the best?
Since I’ve used both, here’s my little advice:
If you want to do it all in one step, without detours from the beginning, you can never go wrong with the paid tool SEMrush , because the features of the paid keyword tool are much better than the free ones, and there is a free trial available .
If you want to save money, try Google Keyword Planner, which is Google’s own product after all.

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